Monday, July 5, 2010

The "why?"

Why am I going on this diet?

Several reasons.  I will list them.
  1. I have a wonderful, fabulous, couldn't-get-anything-better-even-with-three-wishes family.  This includes our newest addition, my adorable son.  I'd like to be able to hang out with them for a long time so I need to be healthy.

  2. I do not like to be a part of negative statistics.  

    According to my weight (which I will not publish on the internet) and my BMI
    (Body Mass Index) I am a part of the 64(ish)% of the American population that is overweight, obese, or morbidly obese.  I fall into bottom half the "overweight" range.  This is irritating to me.  I am determined to remove myself from this statistic.  Want to know if you're a part of that statistic too?  Click the BMI link.

  3. I used to be in the dead center of the healthy weight range for my height and I want to be back in that range.  I was very happy there.

  4. I want to complete (running or walking) a half marathon one day.  This will be easier to do if I weigh less.
  5. There are a lot of health risks that go along with being overweight and I want no part of any of them.  Want to know what those risks are?  Google it.  There's tons.  Cancer, diabetes, immune problems, just to name a few.

  6. We'll probably want to have another adorable child one day and I want to be one of those pregnant people who people look at and go, "Look how cute she is!  She looks like she swallowed a basketball!"

  7. I got to get new shoes to restart my exercise regimen.  I was going to put up a picture of them but I thought that might be silly so I will tell you that they are New Balance running shoes with the number 425 on them.  They are silver/gray/teal and they make me look fast.
So, that's why.

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