Monday, July 5, 2010

The Plan

Here's my diet plan:
  • Beginning tomorrow (Tuesday, July 6) I will do my best to get back into exercising.  I used to exercise all the time but I really fell off that wagon and need to get back on.  I have always wanted to be one of those "crazy" people who run for fun so I'm going to try to turn myself into a runner.  If that doesn't work I'll do my EA Sports Active (I highly recommend this if you have a Wii) or ride my trusty exercise bike.
  • I plan to actually start my diet next week on Monday.  This is for two reasons.  Mostly, it is because my birthday is this week and I don't want to have to mess with a diet while trying to celebrate my birthday.  But, this is also because that gives me a week(ish) to hopefully get into an exercise routine before I start the diet.
  • I will follow the Prevention Flat Belly Diet! exactly as the book says for 32 days (that's what the book says) with the exception of my anniversary which is later this month.
  • I will track my eating and exercise on SparkPeople.  I have already joined their "Flat Belly Diet" team.

    An aside: If you happen to be thinking about going on a diet, join SparkPeople.  It is FREE  and it works.  I used it before and lost all kinds of weight.  In my opinion, it is not worth your money to do Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or any of those other things if you join SparkPeople.  You can friend me.  My SparkPeople name is Sibby74.

    Also, if you are one of the many pregnant people I know, SparkPeople has a sister site called BabyFit that can help you make healthy choices while pregnant.  Obviously, it is not for weight loss but there is a lot of information on there about losing weight after the baby is born.  I should have paid more attention to this site while I was pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to start exercising with you. I also completely agree that Sparkpeople is awesome!!
