Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Diet starts again

Ok, I didn't do well this weekend or Monday so I'm starting over (again) today.  So far I have eaten 680 calories.  210 at breakfast and 470 at lunch.  Now, remember, I am counting calories this time not focusing so much on the actual Flat Belly Diet.  However, I am trying to stick in a MUFA with most meals.  I had 10 olives with lunch.  

My biggest resource is SparkPeople.com which, again, I highly suggest if you are trying to lose weight.  It has informational articles, blogs, weight loss teams, message boards, and tons of resources to help you count calories.  It will help you set up a program, tell you how many calories you should eat in a day (I get 1200-1500), and suggest recipes if you want them.  Also, you get "points" for doing healthy things and those points earn you silly trophies on the website.  I like silly trophies.

The thing I like about counting calories is that it allows you a lot more freedom with what you eat as long as you can exercise some kind of portion control.  It is also a lot easier to eat out, if you are like me and like to do that.  Most restaurants, especially chains, have their nutrition information somewhere on their website. 

I must be honest and say that I am still really down on this dieting thing despite my change in program.  I just can't seem to get into it this time.  I sort of feel like I've been on a diet for most of my adult life and I'm really just tired of dieting.  Really really tired of dieting.  Then there's also still the bitterness about not losing weight at any kind of reasonable rate and gaining it at warp speed even when I am eating mostly healthy stuff.  I look at an unhealthy food and I gain a pound.  Sigh.

Also, I should be upfront and say that I usually don't diet on the weekend.  I've found (during past diets) that it helps me keep my sanity and makes me be more focused on the diet during the week.  I know that sounds counterproductive but last time I did it I lost like 15 pounds.  There are some diet resources that say dieting for 4-5 days and then not dieting for 2-3 days keeps you from plateauing and keeps "shocking" your system into continuing to lose weight.  I don't know if that's true but I have read it in a few places.  That said, don't be too disappointed in me if I report not-so-healthy choices over the weekend.  You were forewarned.

Anyway, I want an elliptical now but I'm not allowed to buy anymore exercise equipment because I sort of used to collect it and then not use it so I have prohibited myself from purchasing anymore.  Why do I want an elliptical?  Several reasons.  
1 - it is sort of like low impact running and I'd really like to be a runner but it really messes up my knees
2 - It burns a good amount of calories
3 - it doesn't hurt your bum like riding an exercise bike for a long time does
4 - you can do it while you watch brainless television at night

Maybe I will look for one on Craigslist.

Have a nice day!

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