Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Exercise - Day 1

Well, I said I would start exercising today and, despite Direct TV's best efforts to make sure that did not happen (because their techs were at my house almost all day) I DID IT!

Here is a little "go me!" dance:

I did 35 minutes of my fabulous Wii EA Sports Active "More Workouts" and burned 300 calories.  That is 50 more calories then it predicted I would burn.  I got the "overachiever" trophy on the game.  This is particularly good because, as I am not starting my diet until Monday, I ate junk junk junk today.  Leftover Pizza Inn for breakfast and lunch, mexican for dinner.  Mmm potato burrito....  I definitely needed to burn the extra 50 calories.

Let me reiterate how very much you want this game, or the original, if you have a Wii.  You can build your own workout or use a pre-programmed one and it gives you a circuit-training type workout, which I am partial too.  My most successful diet and keeping the weight off was when I went to Curves regularly and they were totally circuit training.  

Ok, back to Flat Belly related things.  Today, as the Direct TV guys were working away, I was reading my Flat Belly Diet book and reviewing the recipes I thought sounded good.  I am trying to start picking the ones I might want to try after the initial four days.  I thought I would leave you with a "Flat Belly Meal" that I think sounds tasty.  This is a breakfast suggestion.

Banana Split Oatmeal
1/2 cup dry Quaker Old Fashioned Quick 1-minute Oats (cooked to the consistency of your choice)
Mix in 1/4 cup microwaved frozen strawberries
Top with:
1/3 medium banana (sliced)
1 tbsp semisweet chocolate chips
2 tbsp peanuts

Total Calories: 367

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, I think my fantastic new shoes glow in the dark just a little.  Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. You are inspiring me to start using my Wii again! I was doing so well back in the winter, then something happened that got me off track (I don't even remember what) and it has been collecting dust ever since.
