Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Diet

It occurred to me that I hadn't actually mentioned anything about the diet itself so here's a quick and dirty overview.

There is an initial 4 days where you are supposed to stick to a pretty specific menu of around 1200 calories/day broken down into four 300 calorie meals.  This is the "anti-bloat" period.  It says you will lose a few pounds of useless water weight and the idea is that this will motivate you to stay on the diet.  You also drink two liters per day of "Sassy Water" which is water with lemon, cucumber, ginger, and mint in it.

After those four days are twenty-eight more days during which you eat four 400 calorie meals per day (1600 calories each day).  You are supposed to eat every four hours or so.  They break it up into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a "snack pack" which you can eat between any two meals or after dinner to make sure you don't go more than four hours without eating.

As a part of each meal you eat a MUFA (moo-fah) food.  The motto is "A MUFA with every meal."  Catchy.

What does MUFA stand for?  Well, Madison Ultimate Frisbee Association of course!  (hahaha - that is the first thing that came up when I googled it the other day)  Just kidding, just kidding.  A MUFA food is a food that contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy plant-based fats that have been proven to help reduce/prevent belly fat.  MUFA foods are broken into five categories:
  1. Oils - canola, safflower, sesame, soybean, walnut, flaxseed, sunflower, olive, peanut
  2. Nuts and Seeds (yum)
  3. Olives (double yum)
  4. Avocados (yum yum yum!)
  5. and... DARK CHOCOLATE  (holy crap, yum!)
That's the basics of the whole diet.

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